Tuesday, October 25, 2011

back pain....

chopping wood all day equals.....

So the firebox in the little Neptune is small.......real small. I bucked and split about a half a cord of hardwood yesterday and .......wait for it..........I bucked it too long. Now my back hurts and I have a pile of wood that I can't use without hitting it with the chainsaw again (scary thought). I am going to call some custom cutters and see if I can get a load of firewood delivered that is the right length.....it is soooooo short!!! Measure twice and cut once applies in other activities than just carpentry apparently.


  1. I'll be following your progress here. What length/width/ height does your fuel have to be to fit the tiny box?

    Rest your back, and don't overdo again, so you can get the main things done to your shed home.

    Bob (aka stude53)

  2. Bob, the firebox is tiny. My stove was in storage so I took measurements from the Navigator "Halibut" stove which specified an 11" deep fire box. I cut to that and it is too long so I am guessing 9-10". I will bring my tape and get an exact measurement this afternoon. I am going to cut down what I already split with the saw so I won't have wasted the day. I just need to figure out a good clamp system so the wood doesn't buck. Last winter I cut pieces down with a chop saw.....almost lost my fingers more than once.

  3. Nice blog, I've been enjoying it.

  4. Thanks Dragonfly. I started these blogs really as a way to document these projects for myself...I am glad some folks are enjoying them. I fear that this blog will be at a standstill until I get some cash flow coming in with my new job. I am trying to do projects with materials I already have but even then it takes money!
