Sunday, October 30, 2011

.....a little progress....

.....was made today. Here's some pics.

I tore out the old wall wall and am getting ready to frame out for siding. Also, I re-seasoned the Neptune wood stove. It has a fire burning in it now and the cast iron is getting nice and hot.....
Tomorrow I will finish the wall and get ready to start framing out the spot for the sliding glass door. I am getting a freebie which is great. It will open left to right from the inside and I will be able to move the stove into the corner freeing up some space on the back wall!!!

....more to come!


  1. DJ,

    Glad to see you recovered from overworking your back.

    You mentioned your new/old sliding door acquisition has a sliding problem.

    While you have in in pieces, carefully clean out track and sand with fine emery paper. I suspect the problem will be from dirt and corrosion in the track itself. Don't grease the track (dirt attractor); I think graphite would be better, but I'd check with a door company for the best lubricant.

    Bob (aka stude53)

  2. Coming along in the nic of time with these heavy frosts. The neptune, it looks like you can cook on it right?
    Dragonfly from

  3. Thanks Bob....I suspect you are right. I am going to fram it out this week and then pull it from my friends house over the weekend. While it is in pieces I plan to give it the once over. I believe graphite is the best for this situation as well. I used to use a product call Tri-Flow on my mountain bikes which was a graphite based lube (I think).

    Dragonfly, the Neptune A-1 is indeed a cookstove. It has a single eye over the fire box and a small oven and a griddle surface over that. I have baked bread in it and cooked many meals on it and it works great. It is not, however, the best heater for long nights. I love the stove though, and cannot think of another I would rather have in my tiny home. It looks like a cast iron easy bake!

  4. Try to find some large chunks of coal...throw one on when you go to bed...may still have some embers when you get up, enough to start your coffee fire!! Love, your Mom

  5. ha ha ha ha ha....thanks Ma! I burned some coal last winter and the stove still stinks!! A propane heater with a thermostat will be installed at some point. Just have to find a vented model that looks good.
